Saturday, May 23, 2009

41 Days and Counting

So here I am all excited and everything. There are now 41 days from now that I will be going to Slovakia. WOW, I mean what more can I say. I am going to meet the other part of my family. There is so much to experience here. I am not even sure of where to begin. I do not know for certain what exactly it is that I want to do when I am there either. I think that I am going to be in such awe from meeting my real grandfather for the first time, as well as meeting a cousin and uncle and my father's wife that it is all crazy. I am already realizing that the Lysy men in the family are nutty just like I am and I have never met them truly yet. I hope that the meeting is not a butt heads all the time kind of thing. There are sites that I would like to see and places that I would like to learn of. I want to know what it is to be a Slovak. I want to know where my history comes from. I want to know my family. I want my family to know me. I want to experience the culture. I just do not know what though to fully expect. I do not want to get my self so worked up that I get disappointed. I do not want to set my expectations really low though either. I plan on taking lots of pictures and some videos also so that I can share with my wife and children who will not be going with me on this trip. Perhaps some other day.

I feel again in my life that I have a family that is truly mine and they want to know me as much as I want to know them. Yes my wives family is the first one that has done that to me, but to me that is different. They are my family but I kind of feel like it is an extended family. I love them very much and would not have any other family there for they are very supportive and always there for us if we need them. That is what families do for each other. In this particular instance though my family, the one that I was born into is wanting to know me for who I am. Wanting to know me because I am part of their clan. I feel as though I missed out on that a whole lot in life growing up because of other reasons of things that were going on. I would not change anything in my life still as it has made me into the type of person that I am today.

TaTa for now. I may post something again as I get closer to leaving for the big trip.


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