Saturday, January 26, 2008

Another Family

Last Summer I met my real father for the first time. Some of you might remember the blog entry titled "Ako Sa Mas". Well from there I would have thought that my father would have immediately told the rest of his family about me or even sooner when he found out about me ten years prior. But I guess that did not happen. He I guess then told his family this last few weeks ago during his fathers 90th birthday. I do not know how his father took it but it would seem that the rest of the family is in an up roar as to why they did not know sooner as well as they are all about wanting to know about me and why it took so long for them or me to know about it and where have I been all this time? Well I have been here and there and if you have kept track and watching this blog then you are fully aware that I have been all over and have lived with many different people. I have lived with people that had no ties to me what so ever from a biological standpoint. It almost makes me feel as thought my whole life as a "M" has been a lie and that I should have been a "L". (initials are for last names and are just initials to protect the innocent)

So again it brings me back to the Slovakian term of Ako Sa Mas? How is it? How is it that a person can go through life and not know where it is they come from or who is it that they are belonging to. I feel like this is some kind of day time TV talk show where all the world knows what's what but the person that is being brought on stage to be filled in. Clueless is more like it. I do not know what my life would have been like if I had had the opportunity to grow up with the guy that is my real father instead of living a life with a drug dealer, drug user, lier, womanizer, stealing bastard. But I do know what it was like to live with that person. I did learn what not to do in life the hard way and first hand. I can only credit that person for part of who I have become today. I credit the other parts to the women in his life that have taken me to their side and tried to protect me and nurture me as if I was their own son. They just like my new family that I have found love me unconditionally and without any question or prejudice. They all love me for exactly who I am I and just the way that I am.

I am very proud to say that I am glad and ashamed of the way and where I grew up. It is those experiences in life that have made me into who I am today. It is those experiences in life that have given me the strength and fortitude to be who I am.


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