Friday, April 06, 2007

It's Good To Be Home!

So I was away for a week on a business trip and well it is good to be home. When I walked in the door last night it was a familiar smell. I got some great cheese to snack on before going to bed after my long flight home. I walked up stairs and said hello to my family. The dog I was told heard my truck three blocks away and started wagging her tail as I approached. I talked to my wife for a little bit and in so doing she told me again that I seemed to be less stressed. I found this odd. Maybe this goes back to my previous post about San Francisco.

Hmmmmm. You know come to think of it my wife has been wanting to potentially call our next child Francisco and then say Cisco for short. I found this funny at first as I am a networker and those that know me might say you named your child after the company that builds router’s, or from my wives perspective after the city? Or some people that are hip hops after the song artist. After my visit to that city yet again and yet again not seeing anything about it, it might make sense to do so. Provided the child is a boy. But then again thinking about it why can’t it be a girls name also?

One other thing that I am doing right now as we speak is that I am listening to a web cast of a radio station that I heard when in SF. I got my rental car and it was already there. It was slow jams the whole time as well as others but all music that I really like. The station is 98.1 Kiss ( ). I really like this station.

Maybe all of these things are a sign. I am not sure how it is but who knows.

Some of the quotes that I read in the airport were these.

"One day if I do go to heaven~
I'll look around and say, 'It ain't bad, but it ain't San Francisco. "

"San Francisco has only one drawback. ''Tis hard to leave"
Rudyard Kipling

"No city invites the heart to come to life as San Francisco does. Arrival in San Francisco is an experience in living"~William Saroyan
(this quote might be the reasons for which my wife has told me over the last couple of days that I seem so relaxed and that she likes it.)


Beth Mullenberg said...

I like the new look of the blog. I think it's funny how much you like SF now when you were convinced you hated it a few months ago. Real estate is too high though-i doubt we can move there.

Anonymous said...

Hey - your too young to remember this, in fact you weren't even thought of yet - But Tony Bennett sang a song titled " I left my heart, in San Francisco" sounds like your heart is finding SF. Having been born there and having lived there in my later years, it's a pretty cool place. My fav place is the old Salvatories on the wharf. Not to mention the clang of the cable cars.

KM said...

To Anonymous: I do remember that song and was so reminded of the song when I was in the airport reading all the "one liners" along the top of a wall in a restaurant. There is just something surreal about the place that you just cannot put your finger on. Thanks for the Comments.